In the illustrious spirit of academic excellence, the Milestone Award Ceremony 2024, orchestrated by the prestigious Dr. Sahodaya School Complex, Bokaro, and hosted at Delhi Public School, Chas, honored the prodigious academic achievers of AISSE and AISSCE 2024. The grandeur of the occasion was elevated by the esteemed presence of the Chief Guest, Mr. Rajnish Kumar, IFS, Bokaro.In a ceremony that epitomized scholastic dedication, the academic virtuosos of Guru Gobind Singh Public School, Bokaro, stood in the limelight, their achievements heralding a new era of educational brilliance. The assembly reverberated with applause as Master Ayush Kumar was lauded for his unparalleled performance in AISSE 2024, securing the pinnacle position at the school level. His diligence and commitment set a benchmark for his peers.The AISSCE toppers, representing the zenith of academic prowess in their respective streams, were equally celebrated. In the Science stream, Ms. Arunima Chakraborty emerged as the torchbearer, her name synonymous with academic excellence. Master Gaurav Kumar Mishra, a beacon of knowledge in the Commerce stream, was honored for his exceptional scholastic achievements. Miss Swati Kumari, reigning supreme in the Humanities stream, was feted for her unparalleled intellectual acumen.These commendable GGPSIANS, paragons of academic virtue, were felicitated amidst an aura of pride and admiration. The Principal, Shri Soumen Chakraborty, in his address, congratulated the students and extended his heartfelt wishes for their future endeavors. He eloquently articulated the significance of perseverance and hard work in their journey ahead.The head of the family, Shri Tarsem Singh, President, GGES, alongside Shri S.P. Singh, Secretary, GGES, extolled the meritorious students. Their words resonated with encouragement, emphasizing that such accolades serve as a catalyst, inspiring others to strive for excellence. They reiterated that the triumphs of these young scholars not only illuminate their paths but also ignite a fervor among their peers to excel.The ceremony, a confluence of admiration and inspiration, highlighted the ethos of relentless pursuit of knowledge. It underscored the belief that academic milestones are not merely accolades but are harbingers of greater achievements, encouraging a culture of excellence. As the event drew to a close, it left an indelible impression on all present, fortifying the resolve to achieve greater heights in the realm of education.

It is with immense pride and pleasure that we announce the remarkable achievements of two of our students, Abhilasha Dey and Sharanya Sinha, at the prestigious Shri Mahakaleshwar Sanskrit Mahotsav, held on the 25th and 26th of May in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh. This esteemed festival, hosted by Shrinrityanjali, is a celebrated event that attracts talented artists from around the world, and it is indeed a matter of great honor that our students have made their mark on such a prominent platform.Abhilasha Dey, a student of GGPS, Bokaro, emerged victorious in the International Solo Dance Competition (Classical Solo) amidst a fierce contest involving 200 other skilled artists. Her performance, which was a splendid display of classical dance, captivated the audience and judges alike, earning her the coveted 1st prize. Abhilasha's dedication to her craft and her exceptional talent shone brightly, establishing her as a rising star in the classical dance domain.In addition to her triumph in the competition, Abhilasha was also invited to perform as a guest artist at the Mahotsav. Her guest performance was met with great admiration and applause, further cementing her status as an accomplished dancer. In recognition of her exceptional talent and contribution to the arts, she was honored with the SHASHIKALA PRAVIN SAMMAN, a prestigious accolade that celebrates excellence in the performing arts.Sharanya Sinha, a student of standard 9 at GGPS, Bokaro, was also invited to the international forum as a guest performer. Her performance, which exuded grace and precision, was a testament to her dedication and skill in classical dance. Sharanya’s contribution to the event was recognized with the SHASHIKALA PRAVIN SAMMAN, highlighting her as a promising talent in the classical dance arena.The principal of GGPS, Bokaro, Mr. Soumen Chakraborty, extended his heartfelt congratulations to both Abhilasha and Sharanya for their stellar performances. He commended their hard work and dedication, which have brought laurels to the school and inspired their peers. Mr. Chakraborty’s appreciation was echoed by the school’s managing committee. Shri Tarsem Singh, President of GGES, and Shri S.P. Singh, Secretary of GGES, both praised the students for their exceptional efforts and wished them success in their future endeavors.The achievements of Abhilasha Dey and Sharanya Sinha at the Shri Mahakaleshwar Sanskrit Mahotsav are a testament to the talent, perseverance, and excellence nurtured at GGPS, Bokaro. Their success not only brings pride to the school but also sets a benchmark for aspiring artists. The school community stands united in celebrating their accomplishments and looks forward to witnessing their future successes on global platforms.

In a remarkable achievement, students of Guru Gobind Singh Public School, Bokaro have once again demonstrated their academic excellence in the prestigious JEE Advanced 2024 examination. Notably, Nandita Nupur, Gaurav Mishra,Priyanshu Pandey and Prashant have secured impressive ranks, with Nandita Nupur achieving a CRL rank 1400,Gaurav Mishra securing a CRL of 7337,Priyanshu Pandey achieving a CRL rank of 9946 and Prashant securing a CRL rank of 15535. These accomplishments reflect the dedication and hard work of the students as well as the unwavering support and guidance provided by their teachers and school administration. The Principal of Guru Gobind Singh Public School, Mr. Soumen Chakraborty, congratulated the students for their outstanding performance. He expressed immense pride in their achievements, highlighting that their success is a testament to the high standards of education and the nurturing environment provided by the school. "These students have shown exceptional perseverance and determination. Their success will undoubtedly inspire many others to strive for excellence," he remarked. In addition to the principal, the head of the family, Mr. Tarsem Singh, President of the Guru Gobind Educational Society (GGES), and Shri S.P. Singh, Secretary of GGES, also extended their heartfelt congratulations to the qualifiers. They praised the students for their dedication and wished them continued success in their future endeavors. "We are proud of these young achievers who have not only brought laurels to the school but also set a high benchmark for their peers," stated Mr. Tarsem Singh. The success of Nandita Nupur, Gaurav Mishra,Priyanshu Pandey and Prashant is part of a larger trend of academic excellence at Guru Gobind Singh Public School. This year, numerous students from the school have successfully cleared the JEE Advanced examination, showcasing the institution's commitment to fostering talent and academic rigor. These achievements are a collective reflection of the hard work of the students, the support of their families, and the quality of education provided by the school. As these students embark on the next phase of their academic journey, the entire school community stands united in celebrating their success and wishing them the very best for their future.

On the morning of June 7th, 2024, the prestigious Jagran Genius Awards, organized by the esteemed national newspaper Dainik Jagran, illuminated Bokaro Club with a celebration of academic brilliance. The event, commencing at 9:30 AM, sought to honor the stellar achievements of students from the All India Secondary School Examination (AISSE) and the All India Senior School Certificate Examination (AISSCE) for the year 2024. The atmosphere at Bokaro Club was electric, brimming with the promise and potential of the young minds being celebrated. Among the distinguished attendees were students, proud parents, and eminent guests, all gathered to acknowledge and applaud the hard work and dedication of the meritorious students. From GGPS Bokaro, the students of Standard X who were felicitated for their remarkable performance included Ayush Kumar, Siddhi Kumari, Supriya, Ranjan Bharti, Aditya Raj, Shubham Kumar, Priyanshu, Maulli Kumari, Siddhant Ranjan, Sanskriti Singh, and Lukhi Soren. Their achievements in the AISSE were a testament to their diligence, perseverance, and the unwavering support of their mentors. In the category of Standard XII, the AISSCE achievers from GGPS Bokaro were Swati Kumari, Akarshi Mishra, and Arunima Chakraborty. These young scholars, having demonstrated exceptional academic prowess, stood as paragons of excellence, inspiring their juniors and peers alike. On this very occasion, Shri Soumen Chakraborty, the Principal of GGPS Bokaro, and esteemed members of the school managing committee.Shri Tarsem Singh, President, GGES and Shri S.P.Singh, Secretary, GGES took this opportunity to extend their heartfelt appreciation to the organizing members of the Dainik Jagran print media group. Principal ,Shri Soumen Chakraborty Chakraborty lauded the initiative, emphasizing its pivotal role in fostering a culture of academic excellence and healthy competition within the Bokaro district. The felicitation ceremony was interspersed with moments of reflection and joy, as each student walked up to receive their award, cheered on by the audience. The proud smiles of the students and the glimmer of pride in their parents' eyes painted a picture of fulfillment and anticipation for the future.

In a testament to academic excellence and dedication, Guru Gobind Singh Public School, Bokaro, proudly celebrates the remarkable achievements of its students in the NEET-UG 2024 examination. A select group of extraordinary individuals has not only qualified but excelled, securing prestigious positions that reflect their unparalleled commitment to their education and future endeavors. The names that shine brightly in the annals of our school's history are Pranita Achari, Dolly Kumari, Priya Singh, Khusee Kumari, Riya Ghosh, Rohit Kumar, and Ritaaz Shaikh. Their exemplary performance not only brings pride to our institution but also serves as an inspiration for generations to come. Mr. Soumen Chakraborty, the esteemed Principal of Guru Gobind Singh Public School, Bokaro, extends his heartfelt congratulations to these outstanding students. He acknowledges and appreciates their unwavering dedication, relentless hard work, and resilience in the face of challenges. Under his guidance and mentorship, these students have flourished and reached new heights of success. Furthermore, the stringent oversight and support of the school's managing committee, led by the martinet Shri Tarsem Singh, President of GGES, and Shri S.P. Singh, Secretary of GGES, have played a pivotal role in nurturing these budding talents. Their encouragement, guidance, and unwavering belief in the potential of our students have undoubtedly contributed to this remarkable achievement. As these bright minds embark on their journey towards a promising future in the field of medicine, they carry with them not only the knowledge gained within the walls of our institution but also the values instilled by their teachers and mentors. Their success is a testament to the holistic education provided at Guru Gobind Singh Public School, Bokaro, which emphasizes not only academic excellence but also character development and integrity.